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Meat Cuts - Chicken

Whole Chicken

A whole bird without giblets with all parts, including the breast, thighs, drumsticks, wings, back and abdominal fat.



A thigh is produced by cutting a whole leg at the joint between the tibia and the femur. The drumstick and patella are removed. The thigh consists of the thigh and associated fat. Meat adjacent to the ilium (oyster meat) may or may not be present.


A drumstick is produced by cutting a whole leg through the joint between the tibia and the femur. The thigh is removed. The drumstick consists of the drumstick and patella.

Breast Fillet

The whole or half of the breast deboned.

Whole Wing

A whole wing is produced by cutting the wing from a whole bird without giblets at the joint between the humerus and the backbone. The wing consists of: the first segment, the second segment (flat) and the third segment (tip) containing the metacarpals and phalanges.


Obtained by cutting at the natural seam through the hip joint (articulation between the femur and the pelvis). A leg includes the thigh and drumstick jointed or disjointed and may include pelvic meat. It excludes pelvic bones, back skin, abdominal skin and excessive fat.