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Grown by nature!

Cutlets, Whole & Half Lamb: Great Karoo Farm Sourced

Order your Lamb here


Right at the outset Karoo Meats Coast’s goal was to source the best produce and we refuse to budge when it comes to the quality of our product. Our succulent, organic lamb comes from the Williston area in the heart of the “Groot Karoo” and meats processed by KARUSAF. In fulfillment of our goal to sell only the best lamb to our clients in Cape Town, our Whole and Half Lamb products are sourced from local farms in the Great Karoo. Our Lamb cutlet meat products are also originated from highly regarded Karoo sources.

Karoo Lamb that is truly Free Range

It’s a simple, but unknown fact that a lot of lamb sourced in the Karoo eats the same diet as those reared in other areas. A lamb raised in a “kraal” simply does not taste the same as our free roaming produce. KarooMeatsCoast top quality lamb is truly free range, true to local climatic and vegetative factors .

The taste, health of the meat, and well-being of the animals whilst they were being reared is of the utmost importance to us. The whole operation from slaughtering, cut up according to your choice, packing and rapid freezing is done to perfection. The lamb is free range and organic.

Take it from a born and bred Karoo boy, our lamb is the real deal!