Our Grass-fed beef comes from the Kroonstad area where the cattle grazes on the unique vegetation of the area. No hormones, antibiotics or preservatives are used at any stage.
We ensure that our grass fed cattle must have access to pasture for their entire lives and be only pasture- and forage-fed (with no grain). Grass-fed beef comes from cattle that have only grazed on pasture from the area, have never been fed grain or been in a feedlot, and have eaten natural grasses and shrubs it’s entire life. For us, we believe that true grass-feeding through grazing not only makes the best tasting, tender beef, but also the most beneficial to one’s health
It results in beef that is better for you. Grass-fed beef has a number of health benefits, chief among them are that grass-fed, grass-finished beef has less fat.
Leaner beef, for example, keeps the same protein profile as beef with more fat content. The “grain-fed” that occurs on feedlots adds fatty marbling to beef and is done primarily to “fatten” the cattle for the market quicker than cows eating on pasture can gain weight.
For all these reasons, the melt-in-your-mouth taste being included, grass-fed beef has no equal.
The Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef
Now that you understand the difference between grass-fed and grain-fed beef, it’s time to dive into a few key differences. Grass-fed beef have been shown to have huge benefits, including:
1. Grass-fed Beef has fewer calories
Beef from grass-fed cattle is lower in total fat content because their diet is more natural and clean.
2. Grass-fed Beef helps support healthy blood
Beef from grass-fed cows contains a certain beneficial fatty acid called CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). CLA can help prevent several diseases and conditions like obesity and diabetes
Consuming grass-fed beef while following a ketogenic lifestyle can improve blood glucose levels if you’re insulin resistant.
3. Grass-fed Beef contains electrolytes
The three main electrolytes are sodium, potassium, and magnesium.
Fortunately, grass-fed meat has ample amounts of all three important electrolytes. One grass-fed strip steak contains 732 milligrams of potassium, 49 milligrams of magnesium, and 118 milligrams of sodium.
4. Grass-fed Beef helps fight cancer
Grass-fed beef contains roughly twice the amount of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) compared to beef from grain-fed cows. Most naturally occurring nutrients containing anticarcinogenic properties are derived from plant foods, but CLA is unique because it’s one of the only anticancer nutrients derived from meat.
5. Grass-fed beef contains more healthy fats
Grass-fed beef provides up to six times more omega–3 fatty acids than grain-fed beef.
Here are some of the benefits from increased omega–3 consumption:
• Alleviates Rheumatoid arthritis: Omega–3s are highly effective in decreasing all markers of inflammation.
• Helps with depression: Researchers have seen an increase in mental well-being by supplementing with omega–3 fatty acids.
• Helps you focus: Recent studies conducted show omega–3s to be a promising alternative to alleviate attention deficit disorders (ADHD) over stimulant medications
According to research, omega-6 fatty acids increase markers of inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is associated with health conditions including obesity, diabetes, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. Wild animals eat more grass, green leaves and plants than their domesticated counterparts, which leads to leaner meat with lower omega-6 fatty acid content.
Higher Omega - 3 Fatty Acids According to research,wild game meat, such as springbok, kudu and gemsbok, has a higher omega - 3 fatty acids content as compared to corn- or grain-fed beef. Grass-fed beef or lamb(like Karoo Meats Coast lamb) has similar increased omega-3 fatty acid content.
6. Grass-fed Beef contains less bacteria
Some studies show that conventional beef is more prone to containing bacteria than grass-fed beef.
7. Eating Grass-fed Beef can decrease the risk of heart disease
Clinical evidence concludes a decreased risk of heart disease with an increased consumption of CLA, a nutrient abundant in grass-fed beef. Grass-fed beef can help improve your heart health by:
• Antioxidants such as vitamin E
• High amounts of omega–3 fatty acids
• Less unhealthy fats
• Lower amounts of bad cholesterol (known as LDL cholesterol) a marker of cardiovascular disease.